What is insecurity? Insecurity is the inability to be your true self because of toxic thoughts and beliefs, trauma, and more. Insecurity isn't limited to one area of our lives, it can actually be about anything from the smallest things to the biggest. We can be insecure about our looks, our relationships, our performance to even our social media platforms etc. Insecurity can become a stronghold in our minds when we keep feeding it with the wrong messages. The good news is that Jesus came to abolish ALL of the strongholds in our lives. In this article we will be talking about why and how insecurity doesn't have to rule our lives any longer.
1) We have healing in Christ. Insecurity affects our lives in major ways and many of us don't even realize that this is something God wants to heal us from. God cares about us and He cares about our mindsets. He wants to heal you of insecurity because He didn't create you for it. He created you for greater things which we'll be talk about below. How can we find healing for insecurity and for self hatred? Keep reading. 2) We have access to the Word of God which speaks the truth of who we are and what God says about us. Romans 12:2 says this: "Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God." In order to heal from insecurity, we need to renew our minds. This means we need to retrain our unhealthy thought patterns toward ourselves and learn to think the way God wants us to think. Insecurity starts with the messages we've received about ourselves either from ourselves, others, or society. What messages have you told yourself about yourself? What messages have you heard from society that affect that way you view your beauty and your worth? What messages have you heard from the people in your life about yourself? It's time to examine all these different messages and compare them with the Word of God! Do they line up with what God would say about you? You can only filter the messages if you know the Word. Start with five minutes a day and let God lead you to what He wants you to read/study/focus on and make it the top priority of your day! It will change the way you think, but you have to put the effort in to your healing! You, my friend, are worth seeing yourself in a healthy light instead of being dragged down by the weight of insecurity. 3) We are children of God- We can know who our Father is and what He has given us. This might sound like a bold statement, and that's because it is- but because of who our Heavenly Father is and what He has freely given us- we don't have to live insecure. We don't have to live life like that because God offers us His peace and joy. Insecurity does not line up with what God has given us- it robs, steals, and kills our joy, our hope , our peace and the quality of our lives and relationships. 1 Corinthians 2:12 says, "Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God." 4 ) God has made us with a purpose and for a purpose. We are uniquely made. Hear me out- God does not make mistakes! A lot of people who are insecure wonder why God made them and why He made them the way they are. This is a pretty common thought process and I know when I used to struggle with it, I thought the same way too. One day I was in the Word and I came across a verse that really speaks to this thought process so well. Romans 9:20 says this: "But who are you, a mere man, to talk back to God? Will what is formed say to the one who formed it, "Why did you make me like this?" This is a similar theme we see in the book of Job- Job's friends often question God and His motives and God addresses it and reminds them of His authority and wisdom and kind of puts them in their place so to speak. We have to be careful with insecurity because it can actually be pride in disguise. Insecurity basically says that you think God should've made you differently- so you're basically telling God He did His job wrong... Let that sink in. God didn't accidentally make you. He didn't make you less or above anybody else so it's time to quit that way of thinking! He made you with your personality and looks in mind and He calls you fearfully and wonderfully made. You are one of His grand masterpieces! 1 John 3:1a "See what great love the Father has given us that we should be called God's children-and we are!" A lot of us think we don't have a choice about insecurity. Maybe we've struggled with it for such a long time that we don't see a way out. Friends , I promise you that if God did it for me, He'll do it for you too! Let me share a little bit of my story: From a young age, I struggled with self hatred and insecurity. It was scary for me at the time because I thought I was stuck hating myself. I thought that self-harm was my only option to make it through life. I struggled with these things for years and so I understand the idea of thinking you're stuck with it. The good news is- no one has to be stuck in it! God showed me when I was thirteen years old that healing was available and I didn't have to be doomed to a life of insecurity. I started seeking Him for healing and for wisdom to overcome the things I was going through. I don' t share this story to imply that my journey was easy because it wasn't but it definitely was worth it. I starting disciplining myself to put God and His Word first, I started talking about it with people I could trust, (getting the help I needed), I read books that would help me work on my mindsets, I journaled, I prayed. God set me free from the stronghold of insecurity. It doesn't mean I never struggle with it at times but it means it no longer has a hold of me! I have learned to be careful of the voices I listen to and the messages I consume. I have learned to be careful of the people I surround myself with. I had to learn to recognize when the enemy was speaking versus the way God speaks to me. There are things I have to do on purpose to guard my heart and mind from letting that junk back in. What do you need to do for you? What thought processes and mindsets do you need to reframe? What deep soul work do you need to do? No more making excuses for letting insecurity rule your life! No more letting the enemy get away with lying to you about your true worth and identity. It is time to let God set you free. Galatians 5:1 "For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm then and don't submit again to a yoke of slavery." Now that we talked about why insecurity doesn't have to rule our lives, let's talk about what we can do to not let it . 1)Evaluate what you say about and towards yourself. Words have power behind them- how we talk and what we say frames our perspectives and feelings . If you're seeking to have a better relationship with yourself- stop verbally attacking yourself and learn to speak about yourself in a way that is healing and productive. 2) Be careful about what you consume. Earlier we talked about how insecurity comes from messages- so be on guard towards media and society and know who you are and what you will and will not listen to. If you have any questions at all about how to be free from insecurity, please reach out to me on Instagram @findyourcrown or email me at [email protected] .
11/18/2020 04:12:20 pm
This is so encouraging, Emily! I so appreciate the emphasis you put on knowing Scripture and studying it for yourself so the Holy Spirit and renew your mind. So good! And I was so encouraged by your own testimony of overcoming insecurity as well because it's something we ALL deal with, and yet Satan can make us feel like we're the only ones who deal with it, so reading about how someone else overcame it is so helpful. Thank you for sharing your heart!
11/20/2020 05:11:28 am
Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts ! I am so happy this article blessed you.
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